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Multiprocessor Synchronization and Hierarchical Scheduling
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Real-time Systems on Multicore Platforms: Theory and Practice (XRTS-2009) in conjunction with ICPP09
Multi-core architectures have received significant interest
as thermal and power consumption problems limit further
increase of speed in single-cores. In the multi-core research
community a considerable amount of work has been
done on real-time multi-core scheduling algorithms where
it is assumed tasks are independent. However, synchronization
of dependent tasks executing on multi-cores has not
received as much attention, even though typical real-time
systems in practice include tasks that share resources.
In this paper we propose a synchronization protocol for
hierarchically scheduledmulti-core systems, and we present
a comparison between the presented protocol and existing
multi-core synchronization protocols. The presented protocol
groups dependent tasks that directly or indirectly share
mutually exclusive resources into independent components.
Within a component dependent tasks use classical uniprocessor
synchronization protocols, such as the Stack-based
Resource allocation Protocol. The components are then
scheduled on the cores by a global scheduler.
There are two major approaches for scheduling multicore:
partitioned and global scheduling. While most existing
multi-core synchronization protocols support only one
category, the protocol presented in this paper is developed
to handle both scheduling approaches. The presented approach
is developed to allow for co-execution of existing
legacy real-time applications along with new applications,
i.e., a legacy application is put into one or more components
preserving its own (original) scheduling and synchronization
author = {Farhang Nemati and Moris Behnam and Thomas Nolte},
title = {Multiprocessor Synchronization and Hierarchical Scheduling},
month = {September},
year = {2009},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Real-time Systems on Multicore Platforms: Theory and Practice (XRTS-2009) in conjunction with ICPP09},
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