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Invited paper: Master Education in Collaboration with Industry
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
International Symposium on Total Engineering Education 2009
In this paper, we will present the collaboration between Mälardalen University and the local industry in the context of our two master programs in computer science, Master in Software Engineering and Master in Intelligent Embedded Systems. Within both programs, there is an extensive cooperation with national giants such as ABB, Bombardier, Ericsson, SAAB and Volvo, as well as strategically important, high competence, SMEs. We will describe how we use our industrial partners to assure the quality and industrial relevance of our educational master programs. For example, they provide us sharp industrial equipment, give guest lectures at our courses, organize industrial visits, provide internships and theses for our students, and, whenever possible, give employment to our students.The education method that we use is Problem-Based Learning (PBL), which implies that large parts of the programs are performed in project form. The projects are supplied by our industrial partners, and are solved in collaboration with them. The aim with sharp industrial projects is to prepare students for work in industry directly after the completion of their education, and to make our students are highly competitive on the national and international job market, both in the industry as high-skilled expert and in the academia as researchers or PhD students.
author = {Damir Isovic and Ivica Crnkovic},
title = {Invited paper: Master Education in Collaboration with Industry},
month = {October},
year = {2009},
booktitle = {International Symposium on Total Engineering Education 2009},
url = {}