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Towards Systematic Software Reuse in Certifiable Safety-Critical Systems
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
International Workshop on Software Reuse and Safety
Safety-critical systems and subsystems are often developed as a new generation of a previous system, or as a variant of a system already developed and put into operation. However, in our experience, even in such cases, where large parts of the systems are actually reused, organizations implement very much the same heavy processes as for new development. This is partly because during a safety assessment the evidence needed to motivate the desired level of system safety calls for coherent documentation of the complete system development project. We believe the reuse process can be adapted to be more efficient, while still being compatible with safety standards, by adopting a state-of-the-art structured component-based reuse approach incorporating the specific safety activities that the standards mandate. This position paper outlines our planned research, which will consist of two parts: the first part is an interview study of industrial cases, in order to identify good practices to employ and pitfalls to avoid. In the second part we will implement the most promising practices in suitable industrial projects for evaluation.
author = {Mikael {\AA}kerholm and Rikard Land},
title = {Towards Systematic Software Reuse in Certifiable Safety-Critical Systems},
month = {September},
year = {2009},
booktitle = {International Workshop on Software Reuse and Safety},
url = {}