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Jag älskar att allt ligger överst: En designstudie av ytinteraktion för kollaborativa multimedia-framträdanden
Handledare: Gustafsson, Jan, Docent (Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik)
Opponent: Björk, Staffan, Docent (Chalmers)
Publication Type:
Doctoral Thesis
Mälardalen University Press Dissertations
This dissertation presents surface interaction as an interface paradigm for graphical user interfaces of creative applications. The users' content is the basis for surface interaction, and all content is presented on an infinitely large two-dimensional surface. The surface is an interface to a database, and is navigated by zoom, pan, and text filter. Text filter is to display which content elements match a text string, the more characters of the string the less matching element. Surface interaction allows users to share and edit content collaboratively via synchronous collaboration. Surface interaction was examined by developing an interactive prototype for collaborative live multimedia. The prototype was designed in collaboration with music and video artists within the genres of electronica and club music. It can be used either with a touch screen or with a monitor, mouse, and keyboard. The result of the design process was evaluated in a case study which included the artists' preparations for and carrying through of a live performance at a festival. The analysis of data yielded five utility values; instrument value, communication value, preparation value, live value, and entertainment value. The main utility value of the interactive prototype was that the artists saw it as instrument. The design of the prototype made communication easier in the live situation on stage. The instrument value made it easier to play live which consequently entertained the audience.Cognition in the interactive prototype and surface interaction has been created with research through design where action research was the overarching framework. Action research is a qualitative method which focuses on the participating practitioners and on the intervention of the practice with the purpose improving the practitioners situation and of increasing the knowledge of the participants. Design principals and guidelines will be presented as a result of the design process. The guidelines make the results of this dissertation applicable to practitioners of interaction design, human computer interaction and software engineering.
author = {Rikard Lindell},
title = {Jag {\"a}lskar att allt ligger {\"o}verst: En designstudie av ytinteraktion f{\"o}r kollaborativa multimedia-framtr{\"a}danden},
note = {Handledare: Gustafsson, Jan, Docent (M{\"a}lardalens h{\"o}gskola, Akademin f{\"o}r innovation, design och teknik)
Opponent: Bj{\"o}rk, Staffan, Docent (Chalmers)},
number = {72},
month = {June},
year = {2009},
school = {M{\"a}lardalen University Press Dissertations},
url = {}