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A biological plausible recurrent model of V1 hypercolumns
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
BioMed Central Ltd
A biological plausible model of hypercolumn of V1 layer in the Primary Visual Cortex, modeled in the NEST Environment [1], is presented. The model
addresses experimental findings on emergence of orientaIon selecIvity which occurs in the V1 [2]. The network model is derived from the
Bayesian confidence propagaIon neural network, which was presented earlier [3, 4]. It is hypothesized that a modular recurrent network model can
be used to address orientaIon selecIvity mechanism [2]. Thus, the columnar organizaIon of primary visual cortex is assumed [5]. The network
consists of 16 minicolumn models each represenIng an orientaIon, ranging from 0o to 168.75o, with the angular distance of 11.25o between two
adjacent minicolumn models. LGN input is broadly tuned, half‐width of half‐height (HWHH) is 40 o. Excitatory‐>Excitatory network targets all
neurons with the probability of 60% inside the host minicolumn with a HWHH of 25o as a funcIon of distance (ESPSs = 3.15 mV). Inhibitory‐
>Excitatory is connected with the probability of 40% (ISPSs = ‐5.85mV). Excitatory‐>Inhibitory connecIons target all neurons with the probability of
40%, and HWHH of 67.5o as a funcIon of distance (ESPSs = 1.35 mV). Furthermore, LGN input is 1/3 of corIcal excitaIon. Hypercolumn model also
reflects biological phenomenon of background acIvity caused by random corIcal
author = {Tunca Ulubilge and Atahan Afsar and Baran {\c{C}}{\"u}r{\"u}kl{\"u}},
title = {A biological plausible recurrent model of V1 hypercolumns},
volume = {12(Suppl 1)},
month = {July},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {BMC Neuroscience},
publisher = {BioMed Central Ltd},
url = {}