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phpModeler - an approach to Reverse Engineering legacy Web applications
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
DICES workshop @ SoftCOM 2010
Web applications are complex systems that are in the core of
many businesses. However, their development is, contrary to
other domains, not characterized by rigorous software
engineering methods. The consequence is that many web
applications are poorly structured and are not adequately
documented, which leads to difficult maintenance. One way for
dealing with web application complexity is their modeling on a
higher level of abstraction. In this paper we present phpModeler,
a tool for reverse engineering legacy PHP web applications. It
generates UML diagrams showing resources that each web page
is using, web pages functions, dependencies it has on other web
pages, and the flow of execution. Once the models have been
created, phpModeler can analyze them and generate dependency
models for each entity in every web page model. phpModeler can
also be used to highlight the difference between page models a
feature that, when combined with an SVN repository shows the
way how a web page has evolved over time. Tool usability has
been tested on a case study application iForestFire.
author = {Josip Maras and Ana Petricic and Maja Stula},
title = {phpModeler - an approach to Reverse Engineering legacy Web applications},
month = {September},
year = {2010},
booktitle = {DICES workshop @ SoftCOM 2010},
url = {}