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Component Configuration Management
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
ECOOP Conference, Workshop on Component Oriented Programming Nice, France
Component-based programming is nowadays widely recognized approach in software development. Still there are many
open problems related to both technical and non-technical aspects of the components. In this paper, we point out the
problem of component identification. Since the components are usually binary units deployed in the system at run-time,
we do not have the same insight to their characteristics as for software units that we manage at development time.
This problem could be solved if the components had built in this information together with the binary code, which can
be achieved by defining a standardized identification interface. As such interfaces do not exist in standard component
models today, this concept is possible to use only with components built in-house. For external components, extensive
tests can, to some extent, compensate the lack of information. To perform an efficient and yet a successful testing we
must limit the number of test cases. Which parts of our system can be affected by introduction of a component, or by
its updating? We can answer this if we can keep track of changes introduced in the system and their impact on the
system. These problems are similar to the problems at development-time solved by Software Configuration
Management (SCM) disciplines. In this paper we point out these problems and make proposals for their utilization at
run-time using SCM principles.
author = {Magnus Larsson and Ivica Crnkovic},
title = {Component Configuration Management},
month = {June},
year = {2000},
booktitle = {ECOOP Conference, Workshop on Component Oriented Programming Nice, France},
url = {}