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Static Program Analysis for Real-Time and Embedded Systems



Research group:

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


Proc. First International Software Technology Exchange Workshop 2011 (STEW 2011)


Static program analysis methods can find properties of software without running it, by analyzing a mathematical model of the software. The analysis can be designed to detect potential bugs, and thus provides an interesting alternative to testing. Static analyses can also estimate quantitative properties like execution time, and memory consumption. Contrary to testing, static analysis provides formal evidence whether a property holds: thus, its results can be trusted with a high degree of confidence. This makes the technique very interesting to use in the development of embedded systems, where the demands on functionality, stability and safety are high.The Programming Languages group at Mälardalen University has been active in the static program analysis area since more than ten years. The main focus has been on Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) analysis, which finds safe upper bounds to the execution time of a program, and the group is one of the world-leading groups in this area. However, the techniques and tools developed by the group have a number of other potential applications as well for embedded systems development. Here we give an introduction to static analysis, we describe our techniques and our current research, and we hint at some possible applications.


author = {Bj{\"o}rn Lisper},
title = {Static Program Analysis for Real-Time and Embedded Systems},
editor = {Andras Vajda},
month = {November},
year = {2011},
booktitle = {Proc. First International Software Technology Exchange Workshop 2011 (STEW 2011)},
url = {}