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Modeling and Timing Analysis of Industrial Component-Based Distributed Real-time Embedded Systems



Publication Type:

Licentiate Thesis


Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden



The model- and component-based development approach has emerged as an attractive option for the development of Distributed Real-time Embedded (DRE) systems. Within this context we target issues related to modeling of legacy communication, extraction of end-to-end timing models and support for holistic response-time analysis of industrial DRE control systems.We introduce a new approach for modeling legacy network communication in component-based DRE systems. By introducing special-purpose components to encapsulate and abstract the communication protocols in DRE systems, we allow the use of legacy nodes and legacy protocols in a component- and model-based software engineering environment. The proposed approach also supports the state-of-the-practice development of component-based DRE systems. Because an end-to-end timing model should be available to perform the holistic response-time analysis, we present a method to extract the end-to-end timing models from component-based DRE systems.The Controller Area Network (CAN) is one of the widely used real-time networks in DRE systems especially in automotive domain. We identify that the existing analysis of CAN does not support common message transmission patterns which are implemented by some high-level protocols used in the industry. Consequently, we extend the existing analysis to facilitate the worst-case response-time calculation of these transmission patterns. The extended analysis is generally applicable to any high-level protocol for CAN that uses periodic, sporadic, and both periodic and sporadic transmission of messages.In order to show the applicability of our modeling techniques and extended analysis, we provide a proof of concept by extending the existing industrial component model (Rubus Component Model), implementing the holistic response-time analysis along with the extended analysis of CAN in the industrial tool suite (Rubus-ICE), and conducting an automotive-application case study.


author = {Saad Mubeen},
title = {Modeling and Timing Analysis of Industrial Component-Based Distributed Real-time Embedded Systems},
number = {146},
month = {January},
year = {2012},
publisher = {M{\"a}lardalen University, V{\"a}ster{\aa}s, Sweden},
url = {}