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Component-based Software Engineering - New Paradigm of Software Development
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Inviteted talk & Invited report, MIPRO 2001 proceedings
Component-based software development is a new trend in software development. The main idea is to reuse already completed components instead of developing everything from the very beginning each time. Use of component-based development brings many advantages: faster development, lower costs of the development, better usability, etc. Component-based development is however still not mature process and there still exist many problems. For example, when you buy a component you do not know exactly its behavior, you do not have control over its maintenance, and so on. To be able to successfully develop component-based products, the organizations must introduce new development methods.
This seminar gives a short introduction to component-based development, and component-based software engineering methods, both form technological and marketing point of view. An overview of existing component models will be presented. Finally some successful examples of component-based development are shown: OPC - a standard set of interfaces, properties, and methods for use in process-control and manufacturing-automation applications, and ABB Industrial IT, a new generation of automation systems.
author = {Ivica Crnkovic and Magnus Larsson},
title = {Component-based Software Engineering - New Paradigm of Software Development},
month = {May},
year = {2001},
booktitle = {Inviteted talk {\&} Invited report, MIPRO 2001 proceedings},
url = {}