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Component-Based Development - a New Approach in Software Development
Publication Type:
Report - MRTC
Component-based development is a new paradigm in software development. The basic principles of this new trend is to re-use components that are developed independently of the final product. New products are developed by inclusions of the already completed components, and in this way the development time and costs can be dramatically decreased. Component-based software engineering has many advantages, but also many disadvantages. For example, it is more difficult to predict the behavior of external components built in the products. The maintenance and service require a new approach to achieve the quality and reliability of the products.
There are many consequences of component-based development. Huge, in-hose built monolith applications are being replaced by, component-based, flexible applications based on standard solutions. Similar (or the same) problems are being solved by using standardized components. Big software companies do not need as many software developers as before, they focus on the development on their "core-business", while the rest is bough, or outsourced. This implies emerge of many smaller specialized small companies. What are the trends in component-based software engineering, what are the consequences and what are the chances for smaller countries like Croatia to participate in this process? These are the topics of the report.
author = {Ivica Crnkovic and Magnus Larsson},
title = {Component-Based Development - a New Approach in Software Development},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-41/2001-1-SE},
month = {May},
year = {2001},
url = {}