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Object-Oriented Design Frameworks: Formal Specifcation and Some Implementation Issues
Publication Type:
Collection (Editor)
Databases and Information Systems, Fourth International Baltic Workshop, Baltic DB&IS
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Modern information systems differ in essence from their predecessors. They
support operations at multiple locations and different time zones, are
distributed and network-based, and use multidimensional data analysis, data
warehousing, knowledge discovery, knowledge management, mobile
computing, and other modern information processing methods.
This book considers fundamental issues of modern information systems. It
discusses query processing, data quality, data mining, knowledge
management, mobile computing, software engineering for information
systems construction, and other topics. The book presents research results
that are not available elsewhere. With more than 40 contributors, it is a
solid source of information about the state of the art in the field of databases
and information systems. It is intended for researchers, advanced students,
and practitioners who are concerned with the development of advanced
information systems.
author = {Ivica Crnkovic and Magnus Larsson and Kung-Kiu Lau and Juliana K. K{\"u}ster Filipe},
title = {Object-Oriented Design Frameworks: Formal Specifcation and Some Implementation Issues},
isbn = {ISBN 0-7923-6823-1},
pages = {252},
month = {January},
year = {2001},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
url = {}