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Reusing Transaction Models for Dependable Cloud Computing
Publication Type:
Book chapter
Software Reuse in the Emerging Cloud Computing Era
Cloud computing represents a technological change in computing. Despite the technological change, however, the quality of the computation, in particular its dependability, keeps on being a fundamental requirement.
To ensure dependability, more specifically reliability, transaction models represent an effective means.
In the literature, several transaction models exist. Choosing (reusing entirely) or introducing (reusing partially) transaction models for cloud computing is not an easy task. The difficulty of this task is due to the fact that it requires a deep understanding of the properties that characterize transaction models to be able to discriminate reusable from non reusable properties with respect to cloud computing characteristics. To ease this task, the PRISMA process is introduced. PRISMA is a Process for Requirements Identification, Specification and Machine-supported Analysis that targets transaction models. PRISMA is then applied to engineer reusable requirements suitable for the achievement of the adequate transaction models for cloud computing.
author = {Barbara Gallina and Nicolas Guelfi},
title = {Reusing Transaction Models for Dependable Cloud Computing},
editor = {Hongji Yang and Xiaodong Liu},
pages = {248--277},
month = {January},
year = {2012},
booktitle = {Software Reuse in the Emerging Cloud Computing Era},
publisher = {IGI Global},
url = {}