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Enforcing Temporal Constraints in Embedded Control Systems
Publication Type:
Doctoral Thesis
Royal Institute of Technology
Computer control systems are embedded in a large and growing group of products, ranging
from consumer entertainment products to large airliners. Products such as automotive vehicles,
aircraft, and industrial robots are equipped with advanced computer control systems and have
high requirements of reliable and safe operation. A common property of these systems is that
the computer systems are becoming increasingly more complex due to the inclusion of more
functionality. At the same time, the product cycles are becoming shorter leading to
requirements of shorter time to market. To meet this challenging task, the development of
computer control systems must be a well-defined and controlled engineering process. One
important part in reaching this goal is to find methods for dealing with the complexity of
computer systems.
A computer control system is typically realized by a set of concurrent activities with inter-dependencies
that have to meet a set of pre defined temporal constraints. Because of this, it is
difficult to know in advance if the implementation of a design will meet its temporal
constraints. Furthermore, it is hard to foresee the consequence of introducing alterations or
additional functionality in a system. For a method to be useful it also has to capture all the
relevant aspects of the application domain, and in the domain of embedded control systems
this includes the ability to express and enforce the temporal constraints of control activities.
Moreover, the computer system is a heterogeneous system with many responsibilities. Hence,
methods for embedded control systems should support not only control activities but also
activities related to e.g., human-machine interaction and communication.
The work presented in this thesis contributes with methods for enforcing temporal
constraints in embedded control systems. The results include an industrial case study pointing
out limitations in classic real-time models and giving indications of engineering needs.
Moreover, a method is presented for pre-run-time scheduling of periodic control activities
under the interference of sporadic interrupts. Furthermore, a method is presented for
enforcement of complex temporal constraints using standard priority based real-time operating
systems. Finally, the work includes a method for management of communication resources in
distributed systems.
author = {Kristian Sandstr{\"o}m},
title = {Enforcing Temporal Constraints in Embedded Control Systems},
number = {2002:6},
month = {April},
year = {2002},
school = {Royal Institute of Technology},
url = {}