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Successful Software Product Development, Research Area and Plan
Publication Type:
Report - MRTC
Christina Wallin
Software product development today cannot be regarded as generally successful. Only about one of four software development projects is completed on time and on budget, with all features and functions originally specified.
There are a number of software development models that if correctly implemented, ensures that a software product is developed the right way, but not that the right software products are developed. Traditional product development organizations typically use a business decision model to select products that can be successfully deployed in the marketplace. But business decision models used standalone do not support the development of software. To ensure that the right products are developed the right way these two models have to be combined.
One contribution from this research area will be a State Of The Art (SOTA) of software development models including a conceptual software development lifecycle and a hypothesis on how software development models can be enhanced, and combined with business decision models. Another contribution will be experiences of the introduction and usage of business decision models combined with software development models based on case studies of recent and ongoing software product development projects.
This report gives a short overview of software development and business decision models and also a research plan including a list of current research and industrial problems.
author = {Christina Wallin},
title = {Successful Software Product Development, Research Area and Plan},
number = {ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-81/2002-1-SE},
month = {May},
year = {2002},
publisher = {Christina Wallin},
url = {}