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Reassessing the Pattern-Based Approach for Formalizing Requirements in the Automotive Domain
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
22nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference
The importance of using formal methods and techniques for verification of requirements in the automotive industry has been greatly emphasized with the introduction of the new ISO26262 standard for road vehicles functional safety. The lack of support for formal modeling of requirements still represents an obstacle for the adoption of the formal methods in industry.
This paper presents a case study that has been conducted in order to evaluate the difficulties inherent to the process of transforming the system requirements from their traditional written form into semi-formal notation. The case study focuses on a set of non-structured functional requirements for the Electrical/Electronic systems inside heavy road vehicles, written in natural language, and reassesses the applicability of the extended Specification Pattern System (SPS) represented in a restricted English grammar. Correlating this experience with former studies, we observe that, as previously claimed, the concept of patterns is likely to be generally applicable for the automotive domain. Additionally, we have identified some potential difficulties in the transformation process, which were not reported by the previous studies and will be used as a basis for further research.
author = {Predrag Filipovikj and Mattias Nyberg and Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas},
title = {Reassessing the Pattern-Based Approach for Formalizing Requirements in the Automotive Domain},
month = {August},
year = {2014},
booktitle = {22nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference},
url = {}