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Productivity Improvements in Construction Site Operations through Lean Thinking and Wireless Real-Time Control
Publication Type:
Licentiate Thesis
The purpose of a quarry is to extract rock material to deliver gravels, cement and asphalt to its customers. These products are important input to the construction and maintenance of road infrastructure, buildings and more. The operation of quarry and road work sites is similar to factory production, since it contains sequential production processes, tasks and activities to produce the output product. Compared to the factory, the quarry and road work processes are generally not synchronized and controlled towards the overall throughput in real-time. Some sites control parts of the production but do generally not utilize real-time technologies for the whole site and all its activities. This fact indicates a general improvement potential in increased productivity, but also unsolved challenges for the same reason.This thesis investigate how Lean thinking utilizing real-time control and wireless communication can be used to improve productivity and safety in the operation of quarry and road construction. The main overall contribution is the identified operational improvements, its use cases, the system design constraints and challenges as well as assessed impact in productivity, energy efficiency and safety if introducing wireless real-time control to the site operation.The results include the presentation and demonstration of a developed method based on Lean value stream mapping, for identifying wastes in sequential processes and activities including mobile machines. Further it investigates the performance and evaluates how the latest developments of wireless communication and vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) can be utilized within the quarry and road construction operation. The main system requirements and constraints are identified and the tradeoffs and gains in terms of system design, communication coverage, energy consumption and safety for the identified use cases are presented.
@misc{Rylander 3770,
author = {David Rylander },
title = {Productivity Improvements in Construction Site Operations through Lean Thinking and Wireless Real-Time Control},
month = {December},
year = {2014},
url = {}