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A Dependency-Graph Based Priority Assignment Algorithm for Real-Time Traffic over NoCs with Shared Virutal-Channels
The Network-on-Chip (NoC) is the on-chip interconnection
medium of choice for modern massively parallel
processors and System-on-Chip (SoC) in general. Fixed-priority
based preemptive scheduling using virtual-channels is a solution
to support real-time communications in on-chip networks.
Targeting the priority assignment problem in the context of
NoCs, heuristic based priority assignment algorithms are more
practical, due to the exponentially increased search space as the
number of flows goes up. In our previous work, we have proposed
a graph-based heuristic priority assignment algorithm (called
GHSA) for NoC communications, where we show that taking
the dependencies between flows into account can significantly
reduce the search space. However, the GHSA only works for
NoCs with distinct priorities. Routers in such type of platforms
may have a large amount of buffer cost when the number of
flows is high. The applicability can thus be limited in reality. One
solution to reduce the buffer cost is to allow priority sharing of
different flows. In this paper, we propose a dependency-graph
based priority assignment algorithm (called eGHSA) targeting
NoCs with shared virtual-channels. According to the evaluation
results, the eGHSA clearly improves the efficiency compared to
the existing solution in the literature.
author = {Meng Liu and Matthias Becker and Moris Behnam and Thomas Nolte},
title = {A Dependency-Graph Based Priority Assignment Algorithm for Real-Time Traffic over NoCs with Shared Virutal-Channels},
month = {January},
year = {2016},
url = {}