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Dynamic Power Management for Thermal Control of Many-Core Real-Time Systems
Publication Type:
Journal article
ACM SIGBED Review. Special Issue on 6th Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES 2014)
Many-core systems, processors incorporating nu- merous cores interconnected by a Network on Chip (NoC), provide the computing power needed by future applications. High power density caused by the steadily shrinking transistor size, which is still following Moore’s law, leads to a number of problems such as overheating cores, affecting processor reliability and lifetime. Embedded real-time systems are exposed to a changing ambient temperature and thus need to adapt their configuration in order to keep the individual core temperature below critical values. In our approach a hysteresis controller is implemented on each core, triggering a redistribution of the cores’ workload and the transition into an idle state allowing the core to cool down. We propose two approaches, one global and one local approach, to redistribute the tasks and relive overheating cores during runtime. We evaluate the two proposed approaches by comparing them against each other based on simulations.
author = {Matthias Becker and Kristian Sandstr{\"o}m and Moris Behnam and Thomas Nolte},
title = {Dynamic Power Management for Thermal Control of Many-Core Real-Time Systems},
editor = {ACM},
volume = {11},
number = {3},
pages = {26--29},
month = {October},
year = {2014},
journal = {ACM SIGBED Review. Special Issue on 6th Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES 2014)},
publisher = {ACM},
url = {}