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Towards Automated Deployment of IEC 61131-3 Applications on Multi-Core Systems


Saad Mubeen, Matthias Becker, Xiaosha Zhao , Lingjian Gan , Moris Behnam, Thomas Nolte



Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


12th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems


The IEC 61131-3 standard, a widely used standard in the automation industry, defines various programming languages for programmable logic controllers. Today, the open source tools that comply with this standard do not support deployment of the applications on multi-core platforms. In this paper, we introduce a novel multi-step approach that aims to support automatic deployment of the automation control applications, developed using the IEC 61131-3 standard, to multi-core platforms. In the first step, the generated sequential code is partitioned. In the second step, the partitioned code is allocated to tasks while the tasks are mapped to various cores, without violating the dependencies, synchronization and communication constraints in the application. In order to provide a proof of concept, we develop a prototype by extending an existing tool that complies with the standard. We also perform a case study and a preliminary evaluation of the prototype.


author = {Saad Mubeen and Matthias Becker and Xiaosha Zhao and Lingjian Gan and Moris Behnam and Thomas Nolte},
title = {Towards Automated Deployment of IEC 61131-3 Applications on Multi-Core Systems},
note = {Work-in-Progress},
month = {May},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {12th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems},
url = {}