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Towards Full-Scale Ray Tracing in Games
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Proceedings of SIGRAD 2016
We discuss the current status when it comes to real-time ray tracing of games as a full-scale alternative to renderers based on rasterization. Modern games include massive geometry, beautiful graphics, and advanced rendering effects, and still, they run with a high and steady frame rate at high resolutions. We argue that to make ray tracing a viable option, significant further development is required in terms of improved algorithms and software libraries, as well as hardware innovations that will greatly benefit the average gamer’s hardware equipment.
@inproceedings{Ameri E.4390,
author = {Afshin Ameri E. and Thomas Larsson},
title = {Towards Full-Scale Ray Tracing in Games},
pages = {48--49},
month = {May},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGRAD 2016},
url = {}