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Control Strategies for Self-Adaptive Software Systems



Antonio Filieri , Martina Maggio , Konstantinos Angelopoulos , Nicolas D'Ippolito , Ilias Gerostatopoulos , Andreas Hempel , Pooyan Jamshidi , Evangelia Kalyvianaki , Cristian Klein , Filip Krikava , Sasa Misailovic , Alessandro Papadopoulos, Suprio Ray , Amir M. Sharifloo , Stepan Shevtsov , Mateusz Ujma , Thomas Vogel

Publication Type:

Journal article


ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems





The pervasiveness and growing complexity of software systems is challenging software engineering to de- sign systems that can adapt their behavior to withstand unpredictable, uncertain, and continuously chang- ing execution environments. Control theoretical adaptation mechanisms received a growing interest from the software engineering community in the last years for their mathematical grounding allowing formal guarantees on the behavior of the controlled systems. However, most of these mechanisms are tailored to specific applications and can hardly be generalized into broadly applicable software design and development processes. This paper discusses a reference control design process, from goal identification to the verification and validation of the controlled system. A taxonomy of the main control strategies is introduced, analyzing their applicability to software adaptation for both functional and non-functional goals. A brief extract on how to deal with uncertainty complements the discussion. Finally, the paper highlights a set of open challenges, both for the software engineering and the control theory research communities.


author = {Antonio Filieri and Martina Maggio and Konstantinos Angelopoulos and Nicolas D'Ippolito and Ilias Gerostatopoulos and Andreas Hempel and Pooyan Jamshidi and Evangelia Kalyvianaki and Cristian Klein and Filip Krikava and Sasa Misailovic and Alessandro Papadopoulos and Suprio Ray and Amir M. Sharifloo and Stepan Shevtsov and Mateusz Ujma and Thomas Vogel},
title = {Control Strategies for Self-Adaptive Software Systems},
volume = {11},
number = {4},
pages = {1--31},
month = {February},
year = {2017},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems},
publisher = {ACM},
url = {}