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ReSA Tool: Structured Requirements Specification and SAT-based Consistency-checking
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
35th Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop (FedCSIS Conference)
Most industrial embedded systems requirements are
specified in natural language, hence they can sometimes be
ambiguous and error-prone. Moreover, employing an early-stage
model-based incremental system development using multiple
levels of abstraction, for instance via architectural languages
such as EAST-ADL, calls for different granularity requirements
specifications described with abstraction-specific concepts that
reflect the respective abstraction level effectively.
In this paper, we propose a toolchain for structured requirements
specification in the ReSA language, which scales to multiple
EAST-ADL levels of abstraction. Furthermore, we introduce
a consistency function that is seamlessly integrated into the
specification toolchain, for the automatic analysis of requirements
logical consistency prior to their temporal logic formalization
for full formal verification. The consistency check subsumes
two parts: (i) transforming ReSA requirements specification into
boolean expressions, and (ii) checking the consistency of the
resulting boolean expressions by solving the satisfiability of their
conjunction with the Z3 SMT solver. For validation, we apply
the ReSA toolchain on an industrial vehicle speed control system,
namely the Adjustable Speed Limiter.
author = {Nesredin Mahmud and Cristina Seceleanu and Oscar Ljungkrantz},
title = {ReSA Tool: Structured Requirements Specification and SAT-based Consistency-checking},
isbn = {978-8-3608-1090-3},
month = {November},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {35th Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop (FedCSIS Conference)},
publisher = {IEEE},
url = {}