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Internet of Things Technologies for HealthCare


Publication Type:

Proceedings (Editor)


The 3rd EAI International Conference on IoT Technologies for HealthCare


This book constitutes the proceedings of the Third International Conference on Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies for HealthCare, HealthyIoT 2016, held in Västerås, Sweden, October 18-19, 2016. The conference also included the First Workshop on Emerging eHealth through Internet of Things (EHIoT 2016). IoT as a set of existing and emerging technologies, notions and services provides many solutions to delivery of electronic healthcare, patient care, and medical data management. The 31 revised full papers presented along with 9 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions in total. The papers cover topics such as healthcare support for the elderly, real-time monitoring systems, security, safety and communication, smart homes and smart caring environments, intelligent data processing and predictive algorithms in e-Health, emerging eHealth IoT applications, signal processing and analysis, and smartphones as a healthy thing.


author = {Mobyen Uddin Ahmed and Shahina Begum and Wasim Raad},
title = {Internet of Things Technologies for HealthCare},
isbn = {978-3-319-51233-4},
editor = {M.U. Ahmed, S. Begum, W. Raad},
month = {January},
year = {2017},
url = {}