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Distributed Approach to the Holistic Resource Management of a Mobile Cloud Network



William Tärneberg , Alessandro Papadopoulos, Amardeep Mehta , Johan Tordsson , Maria Kihl

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


1st International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing




The Mobile Cloud Network is an emerging cost and capacity heterogeneous distributed cloud topological paradigm that aims to remedy the application performance constraints imposed by centralised cloud infrastructures. A centralised cloud infrastructure and the adjoining Telecom network will struggle to accommodate the exploding amount of traffic generated by forth- coming highly interactive applications. Cost effectively managing a Mobile Cloud Network computing infrastructure while meeting individual application’s performance goals is non-trivial and is at the core of our contribution. Due to the scale of a Mobile Cloud Network, a centralised approach is infeasible. Therefore, in this paper a distributed algorithm that addresses these challenges is presented. The presented approach works towards constricting system-wide operational cost, meeting individual application’s performance objectives, and mitigating resource usage skewness. The presented distributed algorithm does so by iteratively and independently acting on the objectives of each component with a common heuristic objective function. Systematic evaluations reveal that the presented algorithm quickly converges and per- forms near optimal in terms of system-wide operational cost and application performance, and significantly outperforms similar na ̈ıve and random methods.


author = {William T{\"a}rneberg and Alessandro Papadopoulos and Amardeep Mehta and Johan Tordsson and Maria Kihl},
title = {Distributed Approach to the Holistic Resource Management of a Mobile Cloud Network},
pages = {51--60},
month = {May},
year = {2017},
booktitle = {1st International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing},
url = {}