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Semantic Analysis of Embedded System Requirements Specifications
Publication Type:
Report - MRTC
Mälardalen Real-Time Research Centre, Mälardalen University
Due to the increasing complexity of embedded systems, early detection of soft-
ware/hardware errors has become desirable. In this context, eective yet
exible specication
methods that support rigorous analysis of embedded system requirements are needed. Current
specication methods such as pattern-based, boilerplates normally lack meta-models for exten-
sibility and
exibility. In contrast, formal specication languages, e.g., temporal logic, Z, etc.
are too mathematical to be used by the average software engineer in industry. In this paper,
we propose a specication representation that considers thematic roles and domain knowledge
that enable a deep semantic analysis of requirements. The specication is complemented by
our constrained natural language specication framework, ReSA, which acts as interface to the
representation. The representation that we propose is encoded in the logic-based, usually de-
cidable ontology language called Description Logic. With support from the ontology reasoner,
Hermit, we check for consistency and completeness of requirements. Moreover, we transform the
ontology-based specication into Timed Computation Tree Logic formulas, to be used further
in model checking system behavioral models.
author = {Nesredin Mahmud and Cristina Seceleanu and Oscar Ljungkrantz},
title = {Semantic Analysis of Embedded System Requirements Specifications},
month = {May},
year = {2017},
publisher = {M{\"a}lardalen Real-Time Research Centre, M{\"a}lardalen University},
url = {}