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Using non-preemptive regions and path modification to improve schedulability of real-time traffic over priority-based NoCs

Publication Type:

Journal article


Real-Time Systems






Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a preferred communication medium for massively parallel platforms. Fixed-priority based scheduling using virtual-channels is one of the promising solutions to support real-time traffic in on-chip networks. Most of the existing works regarding priority-based NoCs use a flit-level preemptive scheduling. Under such a mechanism, preemptions can only happen between the transmissions of successive flits but not during the transmission of a single flit. In this paper, we present a modified framework where the non-preemptive region of each NoC packet increases from a single flit. Using the proposed approach, the response times of cer- tain traffic flows can be reduced, which can thus improve the schedulability of the whole network. As a result, the utilization of NoCs can be improved by admitting more real-time traffic. Schedulability tests regarding the proposed framework are pre- sented along with the proof of the correctness. Additionally, we also propose a path modification approach on top of the non-preemptive region based method to further improve schedulability. A number of experiments have been performed to evaluate the proposed solutions, where we can observe significant improvement on schedulability compared to the original flit-level preemptive NoCs.


author = {Meng Liu and Matthias Becker and Moris Behnam and Thomas Nolte},
title = {Using non-preemptive regions and path modification to improve schedulability of real-time traffic over priority-based NoCs},
editor = {Chang-Gun Lee, Eduardo Tovar, Chenyang Lu},
volume = {54},
number = {6},
pages = {886--915},
month = {November},
year = {2017},
journal = {Real-Time Systems},
publisher = {Springer},
url = {}