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Analysis of Perceived Helpfulness in Adaptive Autonomous Agent Populations
Publication Type:
Journal article
LNCS Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence
Adaptive autonomy allows agents to change their autonomy
levels based on circumstances, e.g. when they decide to rely upon one
another for completing tasks. In this paper, two configurations of agent
models for adaptive autonomy are discussed. In the former configuration,
the adaptive autonomous behavior is modeled through the willingness of
an agent to assist others in the population. An agent that completes a
high number of tasks, with respect to a predefined threshold, increases
its willingness, and vice-versa. Results show that, agents complete more
tasks when they are willing to give help, however the need for such help
needs to be low. Agents configured to be helpful will perform well among
alike agents. The second configuration extends the first by adding the
willingness to ask for help. Furthermore, the perceived helpfulness of
the population and of the agent asking for help are used as input in
the calculation of the willingness to give help. Simulations were run for
three different scenarios. (i) A helpful agent which operates among an
unhelpful population, (ii) an unhelpful agent which operates in a helpful
populations, and (iii) a population split in half between helpful and unhelpful
agents. Results for all scenarios show that, by using such trait of
the population in the calculation of willingness and given enough interactions,
helpful agents can control the degree of exploitation by unhelpful
@article{Frasheri 4884,
author = {Mirgita Frasheri and Baran {\c{C}}{\"u}r{\"u}kl{\"u} and Mikael Ekstr{\"o}m},
title = {Analysis of Perceived Helpfulness in Adaptive Autonomous Agent Populations},
volume = {10780},
pages = {221--252},
month = {January},
year = {2018},
journal = {LNCS Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence},
url = {}