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Industrial IoT Security Threats and Concerns by Considering CISCO and Microsoft IoT reference Models
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
This paper investigates security concerns and issues for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). The IIoT is an emerging transformation, bringing great values to every industry. Although this rapid alter in industries create values, but there are concerns about security issues, most of which would be still unknown due to the novelty of this platform. In order to provide a guideline for those who want to investigate IoT security and contribute to its improvement, this paper attempts to provide a list of security threats and issues on the cloud-side layer of IoT, which consists of data accumulation and abstraction levels. For this reason, we choose Cisco and Microsoft Azure IoT Architecture as reference models. Then, two layers of Cisco reference architecture model have been chosen to be investigated for their security issues. Finally, consideration of security issues has been briefly explained.
author = {Ali Balador and Jawad Mustafa and Zeinab Bakhshi },
title = {Industrial IoT Security Threats and Concerns by Considering CISCO and Microsoft IoT reference Models},
month = {February},
year = {2018},
booktitle = {IEEE WCNCW 2018},
publisher = {IEEE},
url = {}