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Towards an Efficient and Effective Process for Integration of Component-Based Software Systems



Stig Larsson

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


SERPS’03 - Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practise in Sweden


The integration of software components into working products is one of the major challenges in product development. Component-Based Software Engineering research shows initial results in increased efficiency and effectiveness. However, additional research is needed to secure that the specifications of software components include sufficient information to respond to requirements from the integration process. The research outlined in this paper will be based on current industry experiences as well as research in software engineering. It will result in proposed additions to current software component models and integration processes.


author = {Stig Larsson},
title = {Towards an Efficient and Effective Process for Integration of Component-Based Software Systems},
month = {October},
year = {2003},
booktitle = {SERPS’03 - Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practise in Sweden},
url = {}