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Packet Priority Assignment for Wireless Control Systems of Multiple Physical Systems



Wenchen Wang , Daniel Mosse , Alessandro Papadopoulos

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing


Wireless control systems (WCSs) have gained much attention lately, due to their easy deployment and flexibility compared to wired control systems. However, this comes at the cost of possibly increased network delay and packet losses, that can significantly impact the control system performance, and possibly its stability. Such problems become even more relevant if the network is shared among different control systems, and thus becomes a scarce resource, like in Industrial Internet of Things applications. In this paper, we describe how to assign packet priorities dynamically when there are many physical systems sharing a given network, aiming at minimizing the performance degradation of the WCS. Towards that, we present a network model including both delay and packet losses, both of which are very important for the control system performance. Our solution is evaluated over two different use cases to show the generality of the approach: the WCS for a set of inverted pendula, and the WCS for small modular reactors in a nuclear power plant. The results show that the proposed approach allows for a more stable performance even in presence of highly nonlinear systems, sensitive to time-varying delays, as well as in presence of high network interference.


author = {Wenchen Wang and Daniel Mosse and Alessandro Papadopoulos},
title = {Packet Priority Assignment for Wireless Control Systems of Multiple Physical Systems},
month = {May},
year = {2019},
booktitle = {IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing},
url = {}