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A State-based Extension to STPA for Safety-Critical System-of-Systems
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety
Automation of earth moving machinery enables
improving existing production workflows in various applications
like surface mines, material handling operations or material
transporting. Such connected and collaborating autonomous
machines can be seen as a system-of-systems. It is not yet clear
how to consider safety during the development of such systemof-
systems (SoS). One potentially useful approach to analyze
the safety for complex systems is the System Theoretic Process
Analysis (STPA). However, STPA is essentially suitable to static
monolithic systems and lacks the ability to deal with emergent
and dysfunctional behaviors in the case of SoS. These behaviors if
not identified could potentially lead to hazards and it is important
to provide mechanisms for SoS developers/integrators to capture
such critical situations. In this paper, we present an approach
for enriching STPA to provide the ability to check whether
the distributed constituent systems of a SoS have a consistent
perspective of the global state which is necessary to ensure safety.
In other words, these checks must be capable at least to identify
and highlight inconsistencies that can lead to critical situations.
We describe the above approach by taking a specific case of state
change related issues that could potentially be missed by STPA
by looking at an industrial case. By applying Petri nets, we show
that possible critical situations related to state changes are not
identified by STPA. In this context we also propose a modelbased
extension to STPA and show how our new process could
function in tandem with STPA.
author = {Stephan Baumgart and Joakim Fr{\"o}berg and Sasikumar Punnekkat},
title = {A State-based Extension to STPA for Safety-Critical System-of-Systems},
month = {November},
year = {2019},
booktitle = {4th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety},
url = {}