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FAR EAST: Modeling an Automotive Software Architecture Using the EAST ADL
H. Lönn
Tripti Saxena
Mikael Sjödin,
Martin Törngren
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
ICSE 2004 workshop on Software Engineering for Automotive Systems (SEAS)
We present a case study where a concept vehicle is remodeled using a new systems modeling approach, the EAST ADL (Architecture Description Language). EAST ADL is a language for modeling and development of software based systems. The application domain is automotive software-based systems. The language has been developed within the project EAST-EEA by representatives of European automotive industries and academic research sites.EAST ADL supports modeling during all stages of development of vehicle functions; from function selection, through function specification, to implementation of a running system. The language further supports modeling of aspects orthogonal to software structure, such as requirements, behavior, validation, and verification.The FAR vehicle has been previously developed, using model based development. Within this paper we re-model the FAR vehicle using the EAST ADL. The new model ties together the various models, code and documentation in a consistent structure with clear relationships between entities.
author = {H. L{\"o}nn and Tripti Saxena and Mikael Sj{\"o}din and Martin T{\"o}rngren},
title = {FAR EAST: Modeling an Automotive Software Architecture Using the EAST ADL},
month = {May},
year = {2004},
booktitle = {ICSE 2004 workshop on Software Engineering for Automotive Systems (SEAS)},
publisher = {IEE},
url = {}