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PROMPT – Master Courses for Professional Software Developers
Publication Type:
Journal article
PROMPT – Master Courses for Professional Software Developers
PROMPT [1] is an educational initiative in cooperation with several
academic parties and leading industrial companies and organizations.
Together, the parties offer advanced level courses in software
engineering in a web-based format, tailored to fit professional engineers
and software developers who need to be able to combine full-time work
and studies. The long-term goal of PROMPT is to guarantee the supply
of advanced software competencies and innovativeness in industry. The
courses are free of charge within Europe, cover typically 7.5 university
credits and are run over a whole semester, at a pace of 25% of full-time.
All courses are developed in close cooperation with the Swedish industry
and trade organizations.
For more detailed information about PROMPT, please visit the project’s
web site
author = {Stefan Eck and Hans Hansson},
title = {PROMPT – Master Courses for Professional Software Developers},
note = {Volume 44 Number 1},
volume = {44},
number = {1},
month = {January},
year = {2019},
journal = {PROMPT – Master Courses for Professional Software Developers},
publisher = {ACM},
url = {}