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From AMALTHEA to RCM and Back: a Practical Architectural Mapping Scheme


Alessio Bucaioni, Matthias Becker, John Lundbäck , Harald Mackamul

Publication Type:

Conference/Workshop Paper


46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications


This paper focuses on the mapping between twoindustrial architectural languages: AMALTHEA and RubusComponent Model. Both languages are heavily used within theautomotive domain for the design and timing analysis of automo-tive software, respectively. The main contribution of this paperis a mapping scheme between the two architectural languagesenabling i) the translation of an AMALTHEA architecture intoa Rubus Component Model architecture where high-precisiontiming analysis can be performed ii) and the back-propagationof the analysis results on the AMALTHEA architecture. Wevalidate the applicability of the proposed mapping scheme usingan industrial use case from the automotive domain: the brake-by-wire system. We discuss the industrial relevance and lessonslearnt of this work using expert interviews


author = {Alessio Bucaioni and Matthias Becker and John Lundb{\"a}ck and Harald Mackamul},
title = {From AMALTHEA to RCM and Back: a Practical Architectural Mapping Scheme},
month = {August},
year = {2020},
booktitle = {46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications},
url = {}