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Licentiate proposal
With the growing interest in sensor networks, efficient communication infrastructures for such networks are becoming increasingly important. A sensor node is typically a tiny computer with limited computation resources and limited power supply, using on-board sensors to sense the surrounding environment, and using a wireless communication system to report to a network connection point (a network sink).Sensor networks are designed for many purposes. Among the interesting application areas are environmental surveillance and surveillance of equipment or persons in e.g. factories and hospitals. Common for all application areas are that sensor nodes are left unattended after deployment, that communication is wireless and the power supply is limited.Having unattended sensor nodes with limited power supplies implies that one important feature of sensor networks is robust functionality in the face of network nodes dropping out of the network after some time of activity. Another implication is that, if the network is to survive a longer period of time, new nodes will have to be added to the existing network. The network topology is thus dynamic even if the sensor nodes not necessarily are mobile.Some sensor nodes will not be able to directly communicate with the network sink. The traffic from these sensor nodes must be forwarded by other sensor nodes, hence routing schemes are necessary. Routing of traffic through other sensor nodes will however increase the power consumption of the forwarding sensor nodes. Therefore, routing decisions must be carefully evaluated in order to maximize network lifetime.The main research focus in sensor networks has been on building networks consisting of sensor nodes only. These, peer-to-peer networks rely on energy draining and complex distributed algorithms to establish e.g. network topology and membership. In this licentiate thesis proposal, however, we are proposing a semi-centralized approach where existing, powerful, infrastructure can be used to off-load sensors and prolong network lifetime.The proposal will be held the 22nd October, 2004 - 10:30-11:30 in the Turing-room
author = {Jonas Neander},
title = {Licentiate proposal},
month = {October},
year = {2004},
url = {}