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Natural Computation of Cognition, from single cells up


Publication Type:

Book chapter


Unconventional Computing, Arts, Philosophy


World Scientific


For describing continuum of natural cognition, from basal cellular to human level, we use evolutionary info-computational framework, where natural/ physical/ morphological computation drives generation of in- creasingly adept cognitive systems. We build on novel developments in information physics, bioinformatics, information chemistry, computa- tional neuroscience, complexity theory, self-organization, theory of evolu- tion (new synthesis), information and computation, a constructive inter- disciplinary framework for understanding of cognition in the context of computing nature. Interactions between constituents at different levels of organization lead to complexification of agency and increased cognitive capacities of organisms. Recently, possibility of controlling basal cell cog- nition attracted a lot of interest for its possible applications in medicine, new computing technologies, as well as micro- and nanorobotics. Bio- cognition of cells connected into tissues/organs, and organisms with the group (social) levels of distributed information processing provides in- sights into cognition mechanisms that can help us to better conceptualize human cognition with its evolution and support the development of new AI models and cognitive robots. It will also give us better understanding of the human as natural being and our connectedness with the rest of nature.


author = {Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic},
title = {Natural Computation of Cognition, from single cells up},
isbn = {ISBN: 978-981-125-714-8},
editor = {Andrew Adamatzky},
volume = {2},
pages = {57--78},
month = {December},
year = {2022},
booktitle = {Unconventional Computing, Arts, Philosophy},
publisher = {World Scientific},
url = {}