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Processing Requirements by Software Configuration Management
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
euromicro 99, proceedings of the 25th EUROMICRO conference
IEEE, Computer society
Short development life cycles, the importance of time-to-
market and fast changes in technology influence the
requirements engineering process. Requirements are
exposed to changes during the entire development life
cycle, and decisions related to requirements and system
design are moving toward developers. For this reason it is
important to keep requirement changes under control during
the entire development process. This control can be
achieved by utilizing Configuration Management (CM)
functions and in particular Change Management.
This paper describes a model for managing requirements
using CM functions. A requirements specification is
defined as an hierarchic structure, in which elements of the
structure are isolated requirements designated Requirements
Specification Items. Having items under version
control it is possible to get a better overview of the requirements
change process. In the implementation phase,
requirement items are associated with Change Requests
which define implementations to be introduced in the system.
When using Change Requests as links between
requirements and the implemented functions we achieve a
greater awareness of requirements and a better overview
over the requirement process. Furthermore it provides a
foundation for reuse of requirements when new systems
are built.
author = {Ivica Crnkovic and Peter Funk and Magnus Larsson},
title = {Processing Requirements by Software Configuration Management},
month = {September},
year = {1999},
booktitle = {euromicro 99, proceedings of the 25th EUROMICRO conference},
publisher = {IEEE, Computer society},
url = {}