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New Challenges for Configuration Management
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
System Configuration Management, SCM-9, proceedings
More and more systems are developed using components. There is a
move from monolithic to open and flexible systems. In such systems,
components are upgraded and introduced at run-time, which affects the
configuration of the complete system. Keeping up-to-date information about
which components are installed is a problem. Updating a component also
affects the compatibility of the system. It is therefore important to keep track of
changes introduced in the system. In the product life cycle, CM is traditionally
focused on the development phase, in particular on managing source code. Now
when changes are introduced in systems at run-time and systems are
component-based, a new discipline, component configuration management is
required. This paper analyses component management and highlights the
problems related to component configuration. Requirements on component
configuration management are outlined, and some directions to possible
solutions of the problems are given.
author = {Magnus Larsson and Ivica Crnkovic},
title = {New Challenges for Configuration Management},
month = {August},
year = {1999},
booktitle = {System Configuration Management, SCM-9, proceedings},
publisher = {Springer},
url = {}