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Software Systems In-House Integration Strategies: Merge or Retire - Experiences from Industry
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
Fifth Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice in Sweden (SERPS)
Mälardalen University
When an organization faces different types of collaboration, for
example after a company merger, there is a need to consolidate
the existing in-house developed software. A main challenge is to
select a suitable strategy, such as merging the systems, evolve one
of the existing systems to be able to retire others, or start a new
development effort in order to retire the existing systems. This
should arguably be done at a high abstraction level, i.e.
architectural level. In order to investigate how a strategy should
be chosen, we have performed a multiple case study, consisting of
nine integration projects. Two major concerns have been found
that can be used to exclude some strategies: 1) architectural
compatibility, and 2) what we have labeled âretireabilityâ, i.e. all
considerations influencing whether or not the existing systems can
be allowed to be retired.
author = {Rikard Land and Laurens Blankers and Stig Larsson and Ivica Crnkovic},
title = {Software Systems In-House Integration Strategies: Merge or Retire - Experiences from Industry},
pages = {21--30},
month = {October},
year = {2005},
booktitle = {Fifth Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice in Sweden (SERPS)},
publisher = {M{\"a}lardalen University},
url = {}