Data Management in Component-Based Embedded Real-Time Systems (Jun 2012) Andreas Hjertström
Information Centric Development of Component-Based Embedded Real-Time Systems (Dec 2009) Andreas Hjertström
Data Management for Component-Based Embedded Real-Time Systems: the Database Proxy Approach (Apr 2012) Andreas Hjertström, Dag Nyström, Mikael Sjödin Journal of Systems and Software
Database Proxy Tool Support in an AUTOSAR Development Environment (Sep 2012) Andreas Hjertström, Dag Nyström, Mikael Sjödin 38th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications
Introducing Database-Centric Support in AUTOSAR (Jun 2012) Andreas Hjertström, Dag Nyström, Mikael Sjödin 7th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES12)
Database Proxies for Component-Based Real-Time Systems (Jul 2010) Andreas Hjertström, Dag Nyström, Mikael Sjödin 22st Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
A Data-Entity Approach for Component-Based Real-Time Embedded Systems Development (Sep 2009) Andreas Hjertström, Dag Nyström, Mikael Sjödin 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation
Design-Time Management of Run-Time Data in Industrial Embedded Real-Time Systems Development (Sep 2008) Andreas Hjertström, Dag Nyström, Mikael Sjödin, Rikard Land Proceedings of 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA08), IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Hamburg, Germany
INCENSE: Information-Centric Run-Time Support for Component-Based Embedded Real-Time Systems (Apr 2007) Andreas Hjertström, Dag Nyström, Mikael Åkerholm, Mikael Sjödin Proceedings of the Work-In-Progress (WIP) session, 14th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
Data Management in AUTOSAR: a Tool Suite Extension Approach (Apr 2012) Andreas Hjertström, Dag Nyström, Mikael Sjödin
Database Proxies: A Data Management approach for Component-Based Real-Time Systems (Nov 2009) Andreas Hjertström, Dag Nyström, Mikael Sjödin
Licentiate Proposal, INCENSE: Information-Centric Development of Component-Based Embedded Real-Time Systems. (May 2008) Andreas Hjertström