Farnaz Fotrousi, Post Doc

I'm a Postdoc researcher in the division of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Mälardalen University in Västerås - Sweden. I am interested in applied research in behavioural software engineering, combining over twelve years of industrial experience in software companies with research knowledge. My research interests are in socio-technical systems keeping users in loops, utilising user feedback and system analytics for requirements engineering and continuous evidence-based evolution of software systems. My current research is on digital humans and their applications in continuous Requirements Engineering and Evolution of Software Systems.

I have a PhD degree from Blekinge Institute of Technology (June 2020 - BTH, Sweden) in Software Engineering. During my PhD, I did a part of my research at FHNW University in Switzerland (2016-2017). I have received two master's degrees in Software Engineering (2013-BTH, Sweden) and Artificial Intelligent (2008-IUST, Iran). I have done Postdoc research at the Informatics department of the University of Hamburg, Germany and joined Mälardalen University, Sweden, for the second postdoc. 

Continuous Requirements Engineering using Conversational AIs.