Timing Analysis on Code-Level

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Embedded systems increasingly permeate our daily lives. Many of those systems are business- or safety-critical, with strict timing requirements. Code-level timing analysis (used to analyse software running on some given hardware w.r.t. its timing properties) is an indispensable technique for ascertaining whether or not these requirements are met. However, recent developments in hardware, especially multi-core processors, and in software organisation render analysis increasingly more difficult, thus challenging the evolution of timing analysis techniques. New principles for building "timing-composable" embedded systems are needed in order to make timing analysis tractable in the future. This requires improved contacts within the timing analysis community, as well as with related communities dealing with other forms of analysis such as model-checking and type- inference, and with computer architectures and compilers. The goal of this COST Action is to gather these forces in order to develop industrial-strength code-level timing analysis techniques for future-generation embedded systems.

A COST Action is a kind of European research network. COST Actions coordinate and enhance national research, and they support networking activities like meetings, wotkshops, summer schools, and exchanges of junior researchers.

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Improved Precision in Polyhedral Analysis with Wrapping (Jan 2017)
Stefan Bygde, Björn Lisper, Niklas Holsti
Science of Computer Programming (SCICO)

Early execution time-estimation through automatically generated timing models (Nov 2016)
Peter Altenbernd , Jan Gustafsson, Björn Lisper, Friedhelm Stappert
Real-Time Systems: The International Journal of Time-Critical Computing Systems (RTSJ'15)

TACLeBench: A Benchmark Collection to Support Worst-Case Execution Time Research (Jul 2016)
Heiko Falk , Sebastian Altmeyer , Peter Hellinckx , Björn Lisper, Wolfgang Puffitsch , Christine Rochange , Martin Schoeberl , Rasmus Bo Sorensen , Peter Wägemann , Simon Wegener
Proc. 16th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET'2016) (WCET16)

Principles for Value Annotation Languages (Jul 2014)
Björn Lisper
14th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET'14)

Björn Lisper, Professor

Email: bjorn.lisper@mdu.se
Room: U1-091
Phone: +46-21-151709