Division of Networked and Embedded Systems


The mission of the Networked and Embedded System Division (NES) is to provide engineers with scientific methods and tools for designing safety-critical real-time systems. The goal is to advance state-of-art and practice for developing such systems into a mature engineering discipline, i.e., in analogue with the scientifically well founded methods and tools for mechanical construction. NES develops methods for constructing safetycritical real-time systems, ultimately capable of guaranteeing their multitude of requirements to be fulfilled.

Our division is very research and education intensive. The research has an internationally proved record of excellence in conducting high-quality research and a very productive graduate training program. All research is performed in projects with specific goals with respect to achievements, publications, collaborations, and prototype tools. A project typically has elements of both basic and applied research Equally important is the undergraduate education, where EAi s responsible for computer engineering related courses, with a particular focus on computer based real-time systems. We are responsible for the international Master Program in Intelligent Embedded Systems and Bachelor Program in Computer Network Engineering . 

First NameLast NameTitle
Abbas Arghavani Associated Senior Lecturer
Adnan Causevic Affiliated researcher
Alba Torrado Gracia Consultant
Aldin Berisa Doctoral student
Alessandro Papadopoulos Professor
Alexandra Espinosa Hortelano Consultant
Ali Balador Researcher
Alireza Dehlaghi Ghadim Industrial Doctoral Student
Anders Lager Industrial Doctoral Student
Anisha Anisha Consultant
Anna Friebe Doctoral student
Antonio Cicchetti Associate Professor
Auday Al-Dulaimy Associated Senior Lecturer
Ayodele Barrett Post Doc
Bjarne Johansson Industrial Doctoral Student
Branko Miloradovic Post Doc
Carl-Anton Werner Axelsson Assistant Professor
Carlo Vitucci Industrial Doctoral Student
Caroline Ressault Project Manager
Conny Collander Lecturer
Cristina Seceleanu Professor
Dag Nyström Director of Education,Senior Lecturer
Damir Bilic Industrial Doctoral Student
Damir Isovic Associate Professor,Dean of School
Daniel Brahneborg
Daniel Bujosa Mateu Doctoral student
Daniel Flemström Lecturer
Daniel Hallmans Industrial Doctoral Student
Daniel Hedin Senior Lecturer
Daniel Sundmark Professor
Diana Gil Project Manager
Dinesh Sah Post Doc
Eduard Paul Enoiu Associate Professor
Elaine Weyuker Visiting Professor
Elena Lisova Affiliated researcher
Elisabeth Uhlemann Professor
Filip Markovic
Francesco Flammini Professor
Giuseppe Nebbione Assistant Professor
Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas Senior Lecturer
Gunnar Widforss Senior Project Manager
Hans Bjurgren Doctoral student,Lecturer
Hans Hansson Professor
Hawa Diouf Project Manager
Henrik Gustavsson Industrial Doctoral Student
Henrik Thane Adjunct Professor
Hossein Fotouhi Associate Professor,Docent
Iliar Rabet Doctoral student
Ines Alvarez
Joakim Wangborn Lecturer
Johan Åkerberg Adjunct Professor
Jukka Mäki-Turja Senior Lecturer
Kasra Ekrad Doctoral student
Kivanc Doganay Doctoral student
Le-Nam Hoang
Liza Stephanie Johansson Doctoral student
Lodiana Beqiri Doctoral student,Project Assistant
Madiha Umar Doctoral student
Mahdi Momeni Kelageri Doctoral student
Mahshid Helali Moghadam Study Advisor
Markus Bohlin Docent,Professor
Maryam Vahabi Senior Lecturer
Mats Björkman Professor
Mikael Ebrahimi Salari Doctoral student
Mikael Sjödin Professor,Research Leader
Mohammad Ashjaei Associate Professor,Docent
Mohammad Hassan Adeli Visiting PhD Student
Moris Behnam Professor
Muhammad Abbas Industrial Doctoral Student
Muhammad Naeem Postdoctoral research fellow
Muhammad Nouman Zafar Doctoral student
Nandinbaatar Tsog
Nasir Mehmood Minhas
Niclas Ericsson Industrial Doctoral Student
Nouri Baher
Olga Hendel Project Manager
Pablo Gutiérrez Peón
Paul Pettersson Professor
Per Erik Strandberg Industrial Doctoral Student
Peter Backeman Associated Senior Lecturer
Rahul Nandkumar Gore Doctoral student
Robert Suurna Lecturer
Rojeena Bajracharya Post Doc
Rong Gu Post Doc
Saad Mubeen Professor
Sahar Mobaiyen Doctoral student
Sara Lundahl Lecturer
Sebastian Leclerc Doctoral student
Shahid Raza Professor
Shahriar Hasan Lecturer
Sheela Hariharan Industrial Doctoral Student
Sheila Lopato Ricorico
Shunmuga Priyan Selvaraju Doctoral student
Sigrid Eldh Lecturer,Senior Lecturer
Somayeh Abdi
Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Löfgren Lecturer
Svetlana Girs Head of Division,Senior Lecturer
Thomas Nolte Professor
Thomas Ostrand
Tiberiu Seceleanu Professor
Tiziana Monfrecola Project Assistant
Torbjörn Hedin Lecturer
Václav Struhár Doctoral student
Van Lan Dao Researcher
Wasif Afzal Professor
Yurii Pavlenko Industrial Doctoral Student
Zenepe Satka Doctoral student
Project TitleStatus
PROVIDENT: Predictable Software Development in Connected Vehicles Utilising Blended TSN-5G Networks active
A Digital Twin Framework for Dynamic and Robust Distributed Systems active
AIDOaRt - AI-augmented automation for efficient DevOps, a model-based framework for continuous development At RunTime in cyber-physical systems active
ARRAY ++, Automation Region Research Academy active
ARRAY - Automation Region Research Academy active
Cloud and the Industrial Internet of Things Initiative active
Collaborative Cloud Robotics active
DAIS - Distributed Artificial Intelligent Systems active
Demand-Driven Slicing active
Developing Predictable and Secure IoT for Autonomous Systems active
Efficient Safety in Complex Autonomous Production Environments - Concept Development active
Epistemological Issues in Computer Science Education fromGender Research Perspectives active
FIESTA - Federated Choreography of an Integrated Embedded Systems Software Architecture active
FLEXATION - Flexible and Secure Modular Automation active
Future Industrial Networks active
GREENER: Intelligent energy management in connected construction sites active
Hipereal - High-performance real-time computing active
IndTech Industrial Technology Graduate School active
InSecTT: Intelligent Secure Trustable Things active
MARC: Mälardalen University Automation Research Center active
Morphological Computing in Cognitive Systems active
MRTV - Mälardalen Real-Time Virtualizer active
Performant and Flexible digital Systems through Verifiable AI active
PICO - Philosophy of Information and Computing active
Q-Test: Startup Activities: Quality Increment in Embedded Electronic System Testing (Volvo CE APP) active
RELIANT Industrial graduate school: Reliable, Safe and Secure Intelligent Autonomous Systems active
SEINE: Automatic Self-configuration of Industrial Networks active
Serendipity - Secure and dependable platforms for autonomy active
SmartDelta: Automated Quality Assurance and Optimization in Incremental Industrial Software Systems Development active
TeleDrive: Teleoperated and Autonomous Driving of Unmanned Vehicles in Confined Areas active
Trustworthy and Human-Centered Test Automation active
TRYM: Trust your Metrics! active
WCET - Worst-Case Execution Time analysis active
3D Graphics Simulation finished
A Canonical Model of the Primary Visual Cortex finished
A Tool Environment for the Development of Embedded systems finished
ACICS - Assured Cloud Platforms for Industrial Cyber-physical Systems finished
ADEPTNESS - Design-Operation Continuum Methods for Testing and Deployment under Unforeseen Conditions for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems (Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme) finished
Adequacy-based Testing of Extra-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems (VR) finished
Affordable Safe & Secure Mobility Evolution finished
AGENTS - Automated Generation of Tests for Simulated Software Systems (KKS) finished
ALL-TIMES finished
APARTS - Advanced Program Analysis for Real-Time Systems finished
ARROWS - Design Techniques for Adaptive Embedded Systems finished
ARTIST finished
ArtistDesign finished
Asterix Project, The real-time kernel for the final frontier finished
ATAC - Advanced Test Automation for Complex Software-Intensive System (ITEA2/Vinnova) finished
AUTOSAR for Multi-Core in Automotive and Automation Industries finished
BARTAP - Network Measurement Applications finished
BETSY - BEing on Time Saves EnergY finished
CAMI - Artificially intelligent ecosystem for self-management and sustainable quality of life in AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) finished
CHESS finished
CIRCLE LAB - innovative learning approach for circular chemistry in secondary education finished
ComposeIT finished
Computer Science Paradigms in Gender Research Perspective finished
COMSED - Communication for Small Embedded Devices finished
ConCentric CRAFT - Creative Activities Framework -- Theory and practice of Content-Centric interaction Technology finished
CONCERTO - Guaranteed Component Assembly with Round Trip Analysis for Energy Efficient High-integrity Multi-core Systems finished
DAGGERS - Data aggregation for embedded real-time database systems finished
Data Field Haskell finished
Debug finished
DESTINE: Developing Predictable Vehicle Software Utilizing Time Sensitive Networking finished
Dimensional Inference in Strongly Typed Modeling Languages. finished
DPAC - Dependable Platforms for Autonomous systems and Control finished
EAST/EEA finished
EEMDEF finished
ELECTRA - Evaluation of different communication technologies for heavy duty vehicle platooning finished
Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Plus finished
Embedded Systems - Adjungerad lektor Johan Åkerberg finished
Embedded Systems Verification using Timed Automata Technology (VR) finished
ESCAPE - Efficient and effective functional safety for complex autonomous production systems finished
ESS-H - Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Research Profile finished
EvaluNet finished
EvaluNet - Step II finished
EXACT - Experimental Analysis of the Coupling Effect Hypothesis in Software Testing finished
FABRIC - EU IST RTD project finished
FAST-ARTS: Fast and Sustainable Analysis Techniques for Advanced Real-Time Systems finished
Femmva - Functional- and execution-models in modern electronic vehicle architectures finished
FIRST - Flexible Integrating Scheduling Technology - EU IST Project finished
FlexiHealth: flexible softwarized networks for digital healthcare finished
FORA - Fog Computing for Robotics and Industrial Automation finished
Future factories in the Cloud finished
Gauss - Garanterad automationskommunikation under svåra störningar finished
Genetic Algorithm Theory finished
Global Constraints in Constraint Programming and Local Search finished
Global Regional Cooperation in India finished
Haxcel finished
Health5G: Future eHealth powered by 5G finished
HEAVE finished
HERO: Heterogeneous systems - software-hardware integration finished
High Level Languages for Hard and Embedded Real-Time Systems finished
HISCORE - Hierarchical Scheduling of Complex Real-Time Embedded Systems finished
HoPiiA+ finished
ImmerSafe - Immersive Visual Technologies for Safety-critical Applications finished
IMPRINT - Innovative Model-Based Product Integration Testing (Vinnova) finished
Industrial Software Engineering finished
Innocare finished
ITS ESS-H Industrial Graduate School in Reliable Embedded Sensor Systems finished
Less Bugs finished
LUCIA - International Guest Professor Lucia Lo Bello finished
MBAT - Combined Model-based Analysis and Testing (Artemis/Vinnova) finished
MegaMaRt2 - Megamodelling at Runtime (ECSEL/Vinnova) finished
MobiFog: mobility management in Fog-assisted IoT networks finished
MultEx finished
Multi-Aspectual Data Management of Embedded Real-Time Systems finished
NovaMedTech II finished
Parallel Execution of PLEX programs finished
PARIS - Practical Probabilistic Timing Analysis of Real-Time Systems finished
PERformance-based Formal modelling and Optimal tRaffic Management for movING-block RAILway signalling finished
PG-CBD-CVer – Component Verification finished
PG-CBD-StatA – Static Timing Analysis of Component-Based Systems finished
PG-Pla-INC – Information Centric development of component-based embedded real-time systems finished
PG-Pla-OSC – Optimization, Synthesis and Configuration finished
PG-Pla-SSI – SubSystem Integration finished
PPMsched - Performance Preserving Multicore Scheduling finished
PREMISE - Predictable Multicore Systems finished
PRESS - Predictable Embedded Software Systems finished
PreView: Developing Predictable Vehicle Software on Multi-core finished
Process Industrial Big Data Analytics finished
PROMPT - Professional Master’s in Software Engineering (step II, phase B&C) finished
Q-ImPreSS - Quality Impact Prediction for Evolving Service-oriented Software finished
RALF3 - Software for Embedded High Performance Architectures finished
RATAD - Reliability and Timing Analysis of Distributed systems finished
READY - Research Environment for Advancing Low Latency Internet finished
Real-time Architecture for Networked Multimedia Streaming systems finished
Real-time Heterogeneous Systems finished
Response-time Calculations with Integer Linear Programming Methods finished
RetNet - The European Industrial Doctorate Programme on Future Real-Time Networks finished
RV-REDS - Resource Virtualization for Real-Time Embedded Distributed Systems finished
SACSys - Safe and Secure Adaptive Collaborative Systems finished
SaDIES. Safe Dynamic Software Instrumentation for Embedded Systems finished
SafeCer - Safety Certification of Software-Intensive Systems with Reusable Components finished
SafeCOP - Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems using Wireless Communication finished
SALSART - Predictably Flexible and Reliable Real-Time Systems finished
SALUTOGEN - Seniors’ Activity and quality of Life sUpported by Technology thrOugh deliGht, Engagement and iNterest finished
SAVE finished
SAVE-IT finished
SeCRA - Security Case Run-Time Adaptation finished
SICS CNS finished
SMARTCore: Model-driven support for deployment optimization of embedded systems on multicore finished
SONOTOPIA finished
Sprint 10 Project: SLA-IoT--Ensuring Quality of Service through Modeling of Service-level Agreements in Industrial IoT finished
Sprint 11 Project: SLA-IoT--Ensuring Quality of Service through Modeling of Service-level Agreements in Industrial IoT finished
Sprint 12 Project: SLA-IoT--Ensuring Quality of Service through Modeling of Service-level Agreements in Industrial IoT finished
Sprint 13 Project: SLA-IoT - Ensuring Quality of Service through Modeling of Service-level Agreements in Industrial IoT finished
START - Stochastic Real-Time Analysis of Embedded Software Systems finished
Static Program Analysis for Complex Embedded systems finished
Strategic Knowledge Enhancement: International Visiting Professor, Alfonso Pierantonio finished
SYNOPSIS - Safety Analysis for Predictable Software Intensive Systems finished
SynthSoft - Synthesizing Predictable Software for Distributed Embedded Systems finished
Tangible and Ambient Interaction for Process Automation finished
TATOO - Test and Testability of Distributed Real-Time Systems finished
TESLA - Time-critical & Safe wireLess Automation communication finished
TESTit - Testing techniques for real-time systems finished
TESTMINE - Mining Test Evolution for Improved Software Regression Test Selection (KKS) finished
TESTOMAT Project - The Next Level of Test Automation finished
The Siblings Project finished
Timing Analysis on Code-Level finished
Timing Predictions of Complex Embedded Systems finished
TIMMO-2-USE finished
TOCSYC - Testing of Critical System Characteristics (KKS) finished
Tools for analysis of complex software systems finished
Traffic Measurement and Analysis finished
User friendly H.264 for Realtime Editing finished
V-trustEE finished
VeriDevOps - Automated Protection and Prevention to Meet Security Requirements in DevOps Environments finished
VeriSpec - Structured Specification and Automated Verification for Automotive Functional Safety finished
Warping - Wait and lock free synchronisation mechanisms finished
WIRE – Wireless Industrial networks with Reliability Enhancements finished
Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis of Parallel Systems finished
XIVT - eXcellence in Variant Testing finished
DAVID - Development of an Autonomous VehIcle Demo on-hold

[Show all publications]

Gaps in Software Testing Education: A Survey of Academic Courses in Sweden (May 2025)
Ayodele Barrett, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Wasif Afzal
IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T25)

Automated Test Generation: Taxonomy and Tool Applications (Apr 2025)
Eduard Paul Enoiu, Nasir Mehmood Minhas, Michael Felderer , Wasif Afzal
11th International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN 2025)

SmartDelta Methodology: Automated Quality Assurance and Optimization for Incremental System Engineering (Apr 2025)
Benedikt Dornauer , Michael Felderer , Mehrdad Saadatmand, Muhammad Abbas, Nicolas Bonnotte , Andreas Dreschinski , Eduard Paul Enoiu, Baykal Mehmet Uçar , Ömercan Devran , Robin Gröpler
22nd International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2025)

State of Test Optimization for Variability in Industry (Apr 2025)
Muhammad Abbas, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Bernd-Holger Schlingloff
22nd International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2025)

ReqRAG: Enhancing Software Release Management through Retrieval-Augmented LLMs: An Industrial Study (Apr 2025)
Md Saleh Ibtasham , Sarmad Bashir, Muhammad Abbas, Zulqarnain Haider, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Antonio Cicchetti
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2025)

3. Requirements Similarity and Retrieval (Jan 2025)
Muhammad Abbas, Sarmad Bashir, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Daniel Sundmark
Handbook on Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering (HNLPRE)

Svetlana Girs, Head of Division,Senior Lecturer

Email: svetlana.girs@mdh.se
Room: U1-193
Phone: +4621101347