Eduard Paul Enoiu, Associate Professor

ABOUT ME: I am a researcher and lecturer at Mälardalen University in Västerås, Sweden. I am primarily affiliated with the Software Testing Laboratory and the Formal Modelling and Analysis groups at the Department of Networked and Embedded Systems. A native of Bucharest, I earned an Engineer's degree from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest in 2009 and a PhD from Mälardalen University in 2016. 

My RESEARCH INTERESTS include requirements engineering, applied formal verification, software engineering, and empirical research, focusing on testing, maintaining, evolving, and ensuring the quality of industrial software systems. I teach automated testing and model-based testing at the master’s and PhD levels, as well as to industrial practitioners. 

Currently, my research spans a wide range of topics in software development, including requirements modeling and analysis, product line engineering, ethical and human aspects of software testing, and the role of automatic test generation—where tests are intelligently and algorithmically created—in industrial practice. I also focus on using model checking to engineer more reliable systems, validating and synthesizing autonomous systems, automating security validation in DevOps environments, and incremental quality assurance across software variants. Furthermore, my work investigates the application of artificial intelligence in software testing, including cognitive aspects of test design and optimizing testing strategies for efficiency and effectiveness.

SUPERVISION: I advise bachelor's and master’s theses in all areas in which I actively conduct research.

PODCASTListen to my podcast on software engineering called Testing Habits. These are conversations about software testing and software engineering. 

One of my primary research areas is test automation for industrial software systems. This includes exploring mutation and model-based testing and leveraging AI-driven techniques to optimize test effectiveness. My work frequently involves model checking for testing of embedded and control systems.

I am also invested in applying artificial intelligence in software testing and engineering. My work investigates how AI can improve software quality assurance, focusing on methods such as trustworthy and human-oriented test design and requirements engineering to automate and refine processes. Another key focus of my research is on the validation of autonomous systems

Through projects like VeriDevOps and SmartDelta, I have addressed challenges in secure and optimized software development lifecycles. This includes automated cybersecurity validation in DevOps environments and developing methodologies for incremental quality assurance across software variants

I am committed to improving education and awareness of software testing. My work on understanding problem-solving behaviors in testing and addressing biases has informed academic curricula and industry practices. My research continues to address emerging challenges, especially in areas like AI-driven automation and trustworthiness.

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Latest publications:

Gaps in Software Testing Education: A Survey of Academic Courses in Sweden (May 2025)
Ayodele Barrett, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Wasif Afzal
IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T25)

Automated Test Generation: Taxonomy and Tool Applications (Apr 2025)
Eduard Paul Enoiu, Nasir Mehmood Minhas, Michael Felderer , Wasif Afzal
11th International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN 2025)

SmartDelta Methodology: Automated Quality Assurance and Optimization for Incremental System Engineering (Apr 2025)
Benedikt Dornauer , Michael Felderer , Mehrdad Saadatmand, Muhammad Abbas, Nicolas Bonnotte , Andreas Dreschinski , Eduard Paul Enoiu, Baykal Mehmet Uçar , Ömercan Devran , Robin Gröpler
22nd International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2025)

State of Test Optimization for Variability in Industry (Apr 2025)
Muhammad Abbas, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Bernd-Holger Schlingloff
22nd International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2025)

3. Requirements Similarity and Retrieval (Jan 2025)
Muhammad Abbas, Sarmad Bashir, Mehrdad Saadatmand, Eduard Paul Enoiu, Daniel Sundmark
Handbook on Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering (HNLPRE)

Unveiling Cognitive Biases in Software Testing: Insights from a Survey and Controlled Experiment (Dec 2024)
Eduard Paul Enoiu, Alexandru Cusmaru , Jean Malm
31st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2024)

PhD students supervised as main supervisor:

Jean Malm
Mikael Ebrahimi Salari

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Damir Bilic
Daniel Flemström (former)
Henrik Gustavsson
Muhammad Abbas
Muhammad Nouman Zafar
Rong Gu (former)
Sarmad Bashir

MSc theses supervised (or examined):
Thesis TitleStatus
Improved testing using real and simulated systems available
Software Engineering, Embedded System Development and Software Testing available
An Evaluation of Model-based Testing in Industrial Practice: From System Modelling to Test Generation in progress
Combining Runtime Verification and Automated Test Generation for PLC Embedded Software in progress
Measuring Combinatorial Coverage of Manual Testing in progress
Test Generation For Digital Circuits – A Mapping Study on VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog in progress
A Model-based Test Generation Tool for Industrial Function Block Diagrams finished
A Mutation Analysis Framework for Simulink Models finished
A Study on Timed Base Choice Criteria for Testing Embedded Software finished
An Empirical Exploration in the Study of Software-Related Fatal Failures finished
Automated Test Case Generation for Function Block Diagrams using Java Path Finder and Symbolic Execution finished
Automated Test Generation for Structured Text Language using UPPAAL Model Checker finished
Combinatorial Modelling and Testing of PLC Software using ACTS finished
Evaluation of Structural Testing Effectiveness in Industrial Model-driven Software Development finished
Model Test Coverage Measurements in an Industrial Setting finished
Model-based Testing on Generated C Code finished
Modeling Product Line Variability in the Rail Vehicle Domain finished
On the Complexity Measurement of Industrial Control Software finished
On the Use of Base Choice Strategy for Testing Industrial Control Software finished
Pairwise Testing for PLC Embedded Software finished
Testing of Industrial Control Software: A Systematic Mapping Study finished