ITS-EASY Post Graduate School for Embedded Software and Systems



Start date:


ITS-EASY is an industrial research school in Embedded Software and Systems, affiliated with the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering (IDT) at Mälardalen University (MDH), as an integrated part of the MDH strategic research area Embedded Systems (ES).

ITS-EASY envisions to be a unique industrial research school par excellence in the Embedded Systems domain in Sweden. ITS-EASY is focused on topics of paramount importance for dominating parts of Swedish industry: Embedded Systems including Software-Intensive Systems, Dependable (reliable and safe) Systems, and Sensor Systems. The main industrial domains considered are automation, telecommunication and vehicles.

First NameLast NameTitle
Björn Lisper Professor
Daniel Sundmark Professor
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic Professor
Hans Hansson Professor
Ivica Crnkovic Professor
Jakob Axelsson Professor
Kristina Lundqvist Chairman of the MDU recruitment committee,Professor
Maria Lindén Professor
Mats Björkman Professor
Mikael Sjödin Professor,Research Leader
Oguzhan Ozcan Professor
Paul Pettersson Professor
Peter Funk Professor
Sasikumar Punnekkat Professor
Thomas Nolte Professor
Antonio Cicchetti Associate Professor
Eduard Paul Enoiu Associate Professor
Radu Dobrin Associate Professor,Head of Division,International Coordinator
Magnus Otterskog Senior Lecturer
Jonas Ljungblad Post Doc
Daniel Kade Doctoral student
David Rylander Doctoral student
Kivanc Doganay Doctoral student
Mathias Ekman Doctoral student
Sara Dersten Doctoral student
Stefan Björnander Doctoral student
Tobias Holstein Doctoral student
Apala Ray
Daniel Hallmans Industrial Doctoral Student
Fredrik Ekstrand Deputy Head of Division
Gaetana Sapienza Researcher
Gunnar Widforss Senior Project Manager
Henrik Jonsson Industrial Doctoral Student
Jiaying Du
Joakim Fröberg Researcher
Kristian Wiklund Industrial Doctoral Student
Lars Asplund Professor Emeritus
Malin Rosqvist Research project manager
Marcus Jägemar
Markus Wallmyr Affiliated researcher
Mehrdad Saadatmand Affiliated researcher
Melika Hozhabri Industrial Doctoral Student
Sahar Tahvili Researcher
Sara Gestrelius
Stephan Baumgart Industrial Doctoral Student
Stig Larsson
Susanne Fronnå Research Administrator
Tomas Olsson Researcher
Youssef Zaki Industrial Doctoral Student
ABB AB Industrial
Addiva Industrial
Alten Sverige AB Industrial
Bombardier Transportation Industrial
CrossControl AB Industrial
Ericsson AB Industrial
Etteplan Industrial
Hök instrument AB Industrial
Maximatecc Industrial
Motion Control Industrial
Saab Industrial
SICS Swedish ICT - the Swedish institute of computer science Industrial
Volvo AB Industrial
Volvo Construction Equipment AB Industrial
Xdin Industrial