Peter Funk, Professor

Dr Peter Funk is Professor in Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science at Mälardalen University and founded, and is heading the Artificial Intelligence group since 2001. The group was ranked as one of the 6 most productive and successful AI groups in Sweden in VINNOVAs (Sweden’s innovation agency) report to the government April 2018.

Peter Funk was nominated 2018 and is listed on IVAs (the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences) 100-list of influential researchers in digitalization (based on a set of criteras including innovation potential, productivity, application in society, scientific excelence)

Peter has more than 150 scientific publication and more than 2500 citations. 

Research areas and interest:

  • Applied Artificial Intelligence techniques for industrial, medical and business applications 
  • Machine Learning, Case-Based Reasoning and Experience Based Systems 
  • Knowledge discovery and Knowledge Sharing Systems
  • Big Data and Smart Data, Neural nets and Deep learning
  • Capturing and using domain knowledge in hybrid AI systems
  • UX, natural language processing, conversational systems, 
  • Knowledge representations, semantic nets, data mining, ontologies .. 
  • Strategy for applying AI


Peter Funk on ResearchGate


Peter received his Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh, Department of Artificial Intelligence 1998 funded by the Wallenberg grant for scientific research (the first candidate who received the Wallenberg grant 3 times). Edinburh University is one of the top ranked university’s in the world and was the first university with a department in Artificial Intelligence.

Peter is dedicated to perform much applied research and use real problems as a driving force and motivator for new scientific research results. Peter's previous work with R&D in the Computer Science department at Ericsson for more than 7 year (novel applications of artificial intelligence) before perusing his PhD in Edinburgh has given him a strong foundation in applied research.

Beside leading and participating in a large number of research projects in the medical, industrial and business area (funded by EU FP7, ITEA2, FFI, KKS, Vinnova, SSF and received granted adding up to more than 4,5 M€). Peter is also active in numerous conferences, program committees, in Editorial board for high ranked international journals (e.g. The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Springer). Beside project leader of large national and international projects Peter is also expert advisor/strategist both for companies, industry, funding agencies and research projects (e.g. a 4 M€  Vinnova project Citizen Communication Platform).

Peter has a long track record of helping both small innovative companies and large organizations to more efficiently use of artificial intelligence. He uses his creativity and skill in seeing how research results can be adapted and used to solve their challenges in an efficient way, seeing novel and efficient solutions to tasks previously often believed to be to hard to solve using more traditional methods and techniques.

Peter was the chair of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society 2006 - 2009.

Main supervisor for 6 PhD students (all graduated). Assistant supervisor for 3 PhD students.


Examination board/external examiner

  • Umeå Universitet,  Chunli Yan, thesis "Developing Clinical Decision-Support Systems for Learning and Skill Development", 2018
  • KTH, Hossein Shahrokni,  thesis "Smart Urban Metabolism - Toward a new understanding of causalities in cities” 2015
  • University College Dublin, Ireland, Zurina Saaya, 2014.
  • MDH, Anna Granlund, 2014
  • Örebro University, Rikard König, 2014
  • Robert Gordon University, Ibrahim Adeyanju, Aberdeen, Scotland, 2011
  • Örebro University, Christoffer Brax, 2011
  • Örebro University, Fredrik Johanssons 2010
  • Luleå University of Technology, Arne Nissen 2009
  • Linköping University, Ulf Johansson 2007
  • KTH, Christopher Johansson 2006
  • MDH, Jenny Nyström 2006
  • Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Dónal Doyle, 2005.
  • University College Dublin, Irland, Keith Bradley, 2004.
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence techniques for industrial, medical and business  applications
  • Machine Learning, Case-Based Reasoning and Experience Based Systems
  • Knowledge discovery and Knowledge Sharing Systems
  • Big Data and Smart Data, Neural nets and Deep learning
  • Capturing and using domain knowledge in hybrid AI systems
  • UX, natural language processing, conversational systems, 
  • Knowledge representations, semantic nets, data mining, ontologies ..
  • Strategy for applying AI

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Latest publications:

Combining Ontology and Large Language Models to Identify Recurring Machine Failures in Free-Text Fields (Apr 2024)
Marcus Bengtsson, Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Ricky Stanley D Cruze , Peter Funk, Tomohiko Sakao , Rickard Sohlberg Dr H.C.

A Case Study on Ontology Development for AI Based Decision Systems in Industry (Jul 2023)
Ricky Stanley D Cruze , Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Marcus Bengtsson, Peter Funk, Rickard Sohlberg Dr H.C., Atiq Ur Rehman
7th International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance (IAI)

Simulation Environment evaluating AI algorithms for Search Missions Using Drone Swarms (Jul 2023)
Nils Sundelius, Peter Funk, Rickard Sohlberg Dr H.C.
7th International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance (IAI)

Cooperative Search and Rescue with Drone Swarm (Jul 2023)
Luiz Giacomossi , Nils Sundelius, José F. B. Brancalion , Marcos R. O. A. Maximo , Peter Funk, Rickard Sohlberg Dr H.C.
7th International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance (IAI)

Artificial Intelligence-based Life Cycle Engineering in Industrial Production: A Systematic Literature Review (Jan 2023)
Hamidur Rahman, Ricky Stanley D Cruze , Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Rickard Sohlberg Dr H.C., Tomohiko Sakao , Peter Funk

Vision-Based Driver’s Cognitive Load Classification Considering Eye Movement Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning (Nov 2021)
Hamidur Rahman, Mobyen Uddin Ahmed, Shaibal Barua, Peter Funk, Shahina Begum
Special Issue on Deep Learning in Biomedical Informatics and Healthcare (Sensors)

Project TitleStatus
A Canonical Model of the Primary Visual Cortex finished
ADAPT2030, Adaptive lifecycle design by applying digitalization and AI techniques to production - Adapt 2030 finished
AIM, Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications finished
AproC, Automated Process Control finished
ARCUS, Autonomous reconnaissance capability for unmanned aerial systems active
Artificiell Intelligens för att förvandla kvalitetsregister till individanpassat beslutstöd i vården, 2017-01555 finished
CREATE ITEA2 finished
CTEDS, Cooperative Perimeter Protection with Heterogeneous Drone Swarms active
E-MOTIONS finished
EKEN-Efficient knowledge and experience reuse within the business world finished
El-hybrid hjullastare, Utveckling och analys med avseende på energieffektivitet, säkerhet och körbarhet finished
EMOPAC - Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization and Its Applications in Analog Circuit Design finished
ESS-H - Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Research Profile finished
ExAct, Intelligent experience sharing for industrial applications finished
Factory in a Box finished
GIMME-SPACE finished
IMod - Intelligent Concentration Monitoring and Warning System for Professional Drivers finished
InMaint - Intelligent Monitoring and Maintenance in Production Industry finished
Intelligent Embedded Systems finished
IPOS, Integrated Personal Health Optimizing System finished
ITS-EASY Post Graduate School for Embedded Software and Systems finished
NFFP7-DYMA:System for dynamic matching of aviation maintenance capabilities and tactical needs using machine learning and big data active
NovaMedTech finished
Pain Out, WP decision support for pain relief finished
PROEK, Ökad Produktivitet och Livskvalitet finished
SafeDriver: A Real Time Driver's State Monitoring and Prediction System finished
Safety Critical Industrial Machine Vision Inspection and Control System (SAFEi) finished
SIMMILAR: Systems-of-Systems for Intelligent Manufacturing Maintenance using Industry 4.0, Lean, AI Reasoning finished
The Siblings Project finished
Tools for analysis of complex software systems finished
Underhållsutveckling finished
VDM - Vehicle Driver Monitoring finished
PhD students supervised as main supervisor:

Markus Nilsson (former)
Mikael Sollenborn (former)
Taha Kahn (former)
Tomas Olsson (former)

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Hamidur Rahman (former)
Shaibal Barua (former)

MSc theses supervised (or examined):
Thesis TitleStatus
Användarmodeller och beteendeprediktering available
Combining Big Data with Domain Knowledge available
Decision support in mission planning available
Development of a Prototype System for Milling Tool Condition Monitoring available
Fallbaserat resonerande för effektiv kunskapshantering i organisationer available
Generic case based recommender module using AI and machine learning available
Instrument validation available
Intelligent sökmaskin för webben available
Master’s thesis in Algorithms for Recommender System available
Similarity learning in case-based reasoning available
Simulating Human Interactions with Assembly Processes by using Case-Based Reasoning available
Artifact handling or filtering noise from the biological sensor signals EEG and ECG selected
Evolutionary computation in continuous optimisation and machine learning in progress
Språkteknologiförstärkt matchning för att identifiera liknande produkter in progress
A case study on Heart Rate Variability and Finger Temperature to use it in a stress diagnosis system finished
An Intelligent FAQ Ansewering System Using Statistic and Semantic Information finished
Interface Design for Decision Support Systems: A Case Study of a Sales Performance Management Tool finished
Using AI and Statistics on Structured Electronic Patient Records for Clinical Decision Support Systems finished
A decision support system for stress diagnosis using ECG signal. finished
A decision support system for stress diagnosis using ECG signal. finished
AI och assistenter för e-business (dynamisk individualisering/ effektivisering av kundbemötande). finished
AI-game Engine finished
An Intelligent Portable Sensor System in Diagnosing Stress finished
An optimized case matching algorithm in diagnosing the stress patients finished
Analyse and classify capnography time series by artificial intelligence methods finished
Analysis of similarity and differences between articles using semantics finished
Artificial Intelligence for analysis and diagnostics in medical systems. finished
Artificial Intelligence Search Algorithms In Travel Planning finished
Artificial Intelligence Search Algorithms In Travel Planning finished
Automatisk design och konfigurering (Configuration Management) med AI. finished
Business intelligent systems for small and medium enterprises. finished
Case-based approach for process modeling finished
Case-based reasoning in postoperative pain treatment finished
Clinical Decision Support System for Cerebral Palsy finished
Clinical Decision Support System for Post operative Pain relief finished
Cognitive Profiling for Efficient Interactive Learning finished
Cognitive Profiling for Efficient Interactive Learning finished
Combining different feature weighting methods for case-based reasoning finished
Crack detection in manual welding process using acoustic emission finished
Creating structured savings of on-line discussions to build up a searchable knowledge repository finished
Custom feature i en geografisk databas finished
Decision Support System for Lung Diseases (DSS) finished
Decision Support System for Lung Diseases (DSS) finished
Decision support system: Knowledge capture and sharing for Telecom network management finished
Develop Experience Reusing System by Combining Vector Space Model and Nearest Neighbour. finished
Efficient Remote Instruction Procedures Using Case Base Reasoning finished
Evaluation of jCOLIBRI finished
Exekveringstidsanalys för mjukt realtidssystem (telekommunikationssystem) från grafanalys (kompilatordata). finished
Experience Sharing Over the InternetCase study e-learning finished
Fallbaserad feldiagnos av robotar finished
Fallbaserat resonerande finished
Feature Extraction From Sensor Data To Represent And Matching Cases For Patient Health Care finished
Feature Extraction From Sensor Data To Represent And Matching Cases For Patient Health Care finished
GRETA: a tool concept for validation and verification of signal based systems (e.g. written in PLEX) finished
Hanteringen av temporal information och domänkunskap relaterad till behandlingar för CP i ett Kliniskt beslutsstödsystem finished
Hedda, plattform för att skapa/verkställa flexibla och adaptiv online kurser (eLearning) finished
Heuristic methods for routing and scheduling finished
Individual Stress Diagnosis Using Skin Conductance Sensor Signals finished
Intelligenta Agenter finished
Intelligenta egenskaper för patientinformationssystem finished
Internet Security(IPSec) in a real time application environment finished
Master thesis: Connect measurements of car body parts to adjustments in production line finished
Monitoring of Micro-sleep and Sleepiness for the Drivers Using EEG Signal finished
Multi-Sensor Information Fusion for Classification of Driver's Physiological Sensor Data finished
Multi-Sensor Information Fusion for Monitoring Driver’s Level of Performance finished
Mätning av dataflöden i ett SCADA-system finished
Navigeringshjälp i stormarknad med PDA finished
Navigeringshjälp i stormarknad med PDA finished
Non intrusive monitoring of milling processes finished
Online fuzzy case-based individual stress diagnosing system finished
Pomperipossa - CAD-stöd för ovana användare finished
Preprocessor för ny sats "restart statement" i PLEX-C finished
Standardisering av e-handelsplats finished
Textual CBR system using domain specific ontology finished
Transaktionsstyrd mobil web-lösning finished
UI design for PAIN-OUT Online System finished
Using NLP and context for improved search result in specialized search engines finished
Utskriftsoptimering på klientsidan för Webläsaren Opera finished
Virtual Experience finished
Visual adaptive web-shopping using personalization techniques Visual adaptive web-shoping using personalization techniques finished
Visual Programming - Simplified online programming of arcwelding robots finished
Wireless embedded monitoring systems (WEMS) finished
Decision support for quality improvement in production line for production of car body parts on-hold