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Cooperative Search and Rescue with Drone Swarm
Publication Type:
Conference/Workshop Paper
7th International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) swarms, also known as drone swarms, have been a subject of extensive research due to their potential to enhance monitoring, surveillance, and search missions. Coordinating several drones flying simultaneously presents a challenge in increasing their level of automation and intelligence to improve strategic organization. To address this challenge, we propose a solution that uses hill climbing, potential fields, and search strategies in conjunction with a probability map to coordinate a UAV swarm. The UAVs are autonomous and equipped with distributed intelligence to facilitate a cooperative search application. Our results show the effectiveness of the swarm, indicating that this approach is a promising approach to addressing this problem.
author = {Luiz Giacomossi and Nils Sundelius and Jos{\'e} F. B. Brancalion and Marcos R. O. A. Maximo and Peter Funk and Rickard Sohlberg Dr H.C.},
title = {Cooperative Search and Rescue with Drone Swarm},
month = {July},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {7th International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance},
url = {}