Maria Lindén, Professor

My research profile falls within the area Health Technology, including Biomedical Sensor Systems and Signal Pro­cessing. I am particularly working with design, implementation and evaluation of non-invasive sensor systems for registration of physiological parameters as ECG, motion analysis, and blood flow measurements. This also includes signal processing. One of the driving forces for me is to find solutions to real problems, which prerequisites direct contact and dialog with the intended end-users of the systems. I am the leader of the research profile Embedded Sensor Systems for Health (ESS-H).

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Latest publications:

Unobtrusive Cognitive Assessment in Smart-Homes: Leveraging Visual Encoding and Synthetic Movement Traces Data Mining (Feb 2024)
Samaneh Zolfaghari, Annica Kristoffersson, Mia Folke, Maria Lindén, Daniele Riboni
Sensors (MDPI Sensors)

Impact of Activities in Daily Living on Electrical Bioimpedance Measurements for Bladder Monitoring (Jul 2023)
Abdelakram Hafid, Saad Abdullah, Maria Lindén, Annica Kristoffersson, Mia Folke
2023 IEEE 36th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) (CBMS'23)

Machine Learning-Based Classification of Hypertension using CnD Features from Acceleration Photoplethysmography and Clinical Parameters (Jul 2023)
Saad Abdullah, Abdelakram Hafid, Maria Lindén, Mia Folke, Annica Kristoffersson
2023 IEEE 36th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) (CBMS'23)

PPGFeat: a novel MATLAB toolbox for extracting PPG fiducial points (Jun 2023)
Saad Abdullah, Abdelakram Hafid, Mia Folke, Maria Lindén, Annica Kristoffersson

State of the Art of Non-Invasive Technologies for Bladder Monitoring: A Scoping Review (Mar 2023)
Abdelakram Hafid, Sabrina Difallah , Camilla Alves , Saad Abdullah, Mia Folke, Maria Lindén, Annica Kristoffersson
Sensors (MDPI Sensors)

A Novel Fiducial Point Extraction Algorithm to Detect C and D Points from the Acceleration Photoplethysmogram (CnD) (Feb 2023)
Saad Abdullah, Abdelakram Hafid, Mia Folke, Maria Lindén, Annica Kristoffersson
Electronics (MDPI Electronics)

PhD students supervised as main supervisor:

Ann-Louise Lindborg (former)
Anna Åkerberg (former)
Christer Gerdtman (former)
Gregory Koshmak (former)
Jiaying Du (former)
Jimmie Hagblad (former)
Melika Hozhabri
Sara Abbaspour (former)
Torbjörn Ödman (former)

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Ashalatha Kunnappilly (former)
Atieh Hanna
Jens Lönnblad (former)
Kan Yu (former)
Marcus Bergblomma (former)
Mattias Olausson (former)
Svetlana Girs (former)