Magnus Otterskog, Senior Lecturer (not working at IDT anymore)

Born 1972 in Arboga. Engineering studies at Örebro University between 1992 and 1996 followed by part time employment at Ericsson Mobile Communications in Kumla and in parallel studying courses at Chalmers and in Lund. PhD student in Örebro 2000-2006, finished Nov 2006. Employed as a researcher at Mälardalen University from October 2006. Now employed as Senior lecturer with teaching within electronics and signal processing. Main research interests within electromagnetics and measurement systems. Assistant supervisor for 7 PhD students where three have passed PhD and two licentiate.

Project leader of Microwave Imaging project aiming to develop a system for mammography to complement or replace X-ray mammography. Specialized knowledge within RF-measurements and electromagnetic wave propagation. Leader of sub-project within ESS-H where embedded sensor systems for health are created for the professional life.

PhD students supervised as assistant supervisor:

Farid Monsefi (former)
Jiaying Du (former)
Jimmie Hagblad (former)
Jonas Ljungblad (former)
Torbjörn Ödman (former)